WP2 - Definition of Skills and Training Provision Needs
WP3 - Design of the EU Framework and Pilots
D3.1.1 EU Framework for VET in the field of homecare – pilot version |
D3.1.2 The Milestone 3.1.2 “EU Framework for VET in the field of homecare – final version |
D3.2 Guidelines supporting the use of the EU framework The report will describe the work performed during the Task 3.2 to develop the pilot version of the Guideline for supporting the use of the EU framework for VET in the field of homecare. It includes the description of the concept design of the guidelines that has been changed during the project lifetime. |
D3.2.2 Guidelines supporting the use of the EU framework for VET in the field of homecare - final version It includes two main results: the Wizard interface supporting the use of the Web-based EU framework (accessible at http://framework.project-caress.eu/) and the present document, which describes the main activities carried out by partners in T3.2 in order to release the Wizard interface. |
D3.3.1 Web based solutions supporting collaborative work It provides a technical description of the web-based solution for supporting the collaborative creation, maintenance and use of a European framework for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the field of homecare. |
D3.3.2 Web based environment for collaborative design of joint curricula This report provides the description of the web-based solution for supporting the collaborative creation of instructional designs for flexible and pedagogically sound VET pathways. |
D3.4.1 Instructional design documents supporting the design of Open Contents and including requirements for the development of the e-learning platform Based on the CARESS project application and discussion in Valladolid, the pilots will test (validate) data on the CARESS Platform and will develop (and demonstrate) systematic planning work of next compensatory courses/training. |
D3.4.2 Instructional Design documents of 3 national VET pathways targeting different HHCP Under the coordination of OMNIA, partners in the task 3.4 collaborated to the design of three national pilots based on the EU Framework designed in T3.1, allowing for its validation. |
D3.5 Open Contents storyboards CARESS pilots should be A SET of COMPENSATIVE learning MODULES, that have been produced as output of this design process detailed in the Instructional Design documents. Pilots will include both formal and non-formal/informal learning. |
D3.6 VCP – environment conceptual design It describes the specific virtual environment th at will be developed in WP5 Virtual Community of Practice: Building and Support. |
WP4 - Pilots implementation: presence and distance learning
WP 5 - Pilots implemetation: Virtual Communities of Practice (VCP) building and support
WP 6 - Evaluation