Consorzio Agorà is a social enterprise which includes cooperatives, dealing with differentiated activities in the landscape of the so-called "personal services". Formed in 1995, it is headquartered in the center of Genoa and works on a predominantly regional territory with type A and B cooperatives. The amount of employed is over 600 workers with the primary objective of promoting solidarity routes, acceptance and integration within local communities, but also of services for companies. Consorzio Agorà complies to Federsolidarietà-Confcooperative, it is a member of EticLab companies for disclosure of Responsabilties Social Enterprise, the National Social Consortium "Idee in Rete" and Agency National Consortium "Idea Lavoro".
The Italian Physical Therapists Association aims to represent, protect and promote the professional figure of physical therapist at a national level. IPTA tries to match its members’ professional and educational needs with the needs and rights of the community, as well as with those of specific users on specific occasions. IPTA Liguria is the local branch of IPTA.
Regional Healthcare Agency
ANEP (National Association of Professional Educators) was born in Italy in 1992. The national board is placed in Bologna. The main objective of the Association is the promotion of the Professional Educator. ANEP represents the figure of Educators for the Italian Minister of Health - DM 19/6/2006 and DM 26/4/2012. Some of its main tasks are: 1) electing representatives of the national Committee responsible for the final examinations to become Professional Educators 2) appointing representatives as members of the National Board for Childhood Condition - Ministry of Welfare - DM May 31 st 2011 and of the DM 17 June 2014 3) affiliating with the UE Transparency Register (n.021024310576 -20) 4) nominating members of the board of the National Association for Health Professionals 5) being executive member of the international board of AIEJI (International Association of the educators).
ANEP elaborated the ethic Code and defined the Core Competence of our profession. www.anep.it
Ligurian Association of Chartered Psychologists
The Master in Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MRDM) of the University of Genova – Campus of Savona is a II level course for physical therapists entitling for a specialisation in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Manual Therapy, accordingly with the educational standards of the International Federation for Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT). Oldest course in the field in Italy (1999), it recruits 128 students each year and has a staff of about 50 teachers and didactic collaborators. Out of the didactic activities, it is very active in disseminating the results of the scientific acquisitions among physiotherapists and general population.